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发表于 2020-8-13 05:17:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Socio-economic Welfare for NursesProfessionalNursing PracticeNursing Regulation1. Global Impact 2. Membership Empowerment4. Innovative Growth 3. Strategic LeadershipGoal: Inform and influence the designand implementation of health,social, educational andeconomic policies at aglobal and regional levelto promote health for all.Goal: Strengthen National NursingAssociations (NNAs) across thethree pillars of ICN to enablethem to address keychallenges at regionaland national levels.Goal: Provide strategicleadership to advance thenursing profession to meetcurrent and future needs of thepopulation, health systems (includinghealth and social care) and nurses.Goal: Identify, secure anddiversify business and revenuegenerating opportunities, consistentwith our values, to attain ICN goals.InnovativenessInclusivenessSocial justiceAccountabilityAchievingequity and equalityGuaranteeing open, inclusive,for society and the professiontransparent and informeddecision-making and reportingprogressive, evidence informed, andmembers, and perspectivesBeingcreative, transformational Engaging a broad range of partners,solution focusedVisionThe global community recognizes, supports,and invests in nurses and nursing to leadand deliver health for all.MissionTo represent nursing worldwide,advance the nursing profession,promote the wellbeing of nurses,and advocate for health in allpolicies.Strategic plan 2019-2023Global Impact MembershipEmpowermentACTIONS:1.1. Provide expertise, actively and regularly, in high-levelglobal or regional health, education, social, regulation,environmental and economic policy events as therecognised and valued voice of nurses and nursinginternationally.2. Position nurses as pivotal to achieving good health andwell-being of individuals and populations (SustainableDevelopment Goal 3)3. Contribute evidence and expertise to the developmentof effective Human Resources for Health planning andpolicies, including scaling up of a qualified nursing workforcesupported by a healthy work/practice environment4. Contribute to and shape the World Health Organization(WHO) State of the World’s Nursing Report 2020 and thenext Global Strategic Nursing and Midwifery plan5. Strengthen the impact of nursing at the WHO, World HealthAssembly, United Nations, World Bank (WB), InternationalLabour Organization (ILO), and Organization for EconomicCooperation and Development (OECD)6. Build collaborative interprofessional and intersectoralrelationships and advance joint activities with key globalorganizations7. Continue to support the goals of Nursing Now and assumestewardship and leadership of Nursing Now as of 20212.ACTIONS:1. Identify and understand the mandate, capacity and needsof NNAs2. Expand programmes, initiatives and products related tothe education, practice, regulation, and socio-economicwelfare of nursing in response to NNA needs3. Facilitate the provision of expertise to NNAs, including byleveraging expertise across NNAs4. Support NNAs to influence policy5. Scale up the ICN leadership/management developmentprograms and engage alumni6. Improve the availability and use of ICN resource documentsand tools on issues important to NNAs InnovativeGrowth Strategic 4. Leadership 3.ACTIONS:1. Expand sponsorship for ICN conferences, congresses,events2. Increase and diversify ICN income sources3. Enhance the use of social media and other modern, digitalinteractive tools/strategies in ICN communications, and inthe branding and marketing of ICN products and services4. Develop and promote a new business model (includingcountry-level licensing) for ICNP5. Promote the value of ICN to expand its membership base6. Continue to evaluate new and existing programs andinitiatives to determine their sustainability and alignmentwith ICN prioritiesACTIONS:1. Identify health, nursing, social, economic, technological andrelated trends relevant to the current and future direction ofthe education, practice, regulation, socioeconomic welfareand research of nursing2. Share evidenced based, successful, and innovative modelsof care, best practices, and research on the contribution ofnursing3. Set future focused policy direction for the nursing profession4. Leverage 2020 Year of the Nurse to promote nursingthrough various activities and events5. Actively incorporate the voice and views of student andyounger generation nurses. @ICNurses www.icn.chICN • CIE • CII3, place Jean-Marteau, 1201 Geneva - SwitzerlandTel.: +41 22 908 01 00 - Fax: +41 22 908 01 01e-mail: icn@icn.ch

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