标题: 女人,不要总想着嫁有钱的还是没钱的,而应该嫁一个愿意为自己花钱的 [打印本页] 作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-4 22:22 标题: 女人,不要总想着嫁有钱的还是没钱的,而应该嫁一个愿意为自己花钱的 Women shouldn't always think about marrying sb.rich or not.They should consider sb. who is willing to spend money on you.作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-4 22:24 标题: 能够慢慢培养的不是爱情,而是习惯。能够随着时间得到的,不是感情而是感动 It is habit which is able to be developed rather than love and it is touch which can be obtained as time goes by rather than affection.作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-4 22:26 标题: 若无其事,原来是最好的报复。生活得更好,是为了自己 Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge.It's all for myself to live better. 作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-4 22:27 标题: 一直以来,我都觉得自己不够好。我不完美,但我是完整的自己。 I have been thinking I'm not good enough.I'm not perfect,but I'm complete.作者: 蓝天の燕子 时间: 2011-9-4 23:39
茶山 发表于 2011-9-4 10:27 PM
I have been thinking I'm not good enough.I'm not perfect,but I'm complete.
哈哈,燕子老师真的是太谦虚了!作者: 蓝天の燕子 时间: 2011-9-6 11:50
是真的看不懂作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-7 23:40 标题: .如果一段感情,没有把你变成更好的人,那么很遗憾你跟错了人 If the experience of love hasn't changed for a better person,it's a regret that you have loved a wrong one.作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-7 23:42 标题: .爱一个人,其实很简单。他让你流泪,让你失望,尽管这样,他站在那里,你还是会走过 To love someone is very simple actually.Although he makes you cry and disappoints you,you will still can't help holding his hand wherever he is.爱一个人,其实很简单。他让你流泪,让你失望,尽管这样,他站在那里,你还是会走过去牵他的手,不由自主 作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-7 23:44 标题: 男人伪装坚强,只是害怕女人会发现他软弱;女人伪装幸福,只是害怕男人发现她伤心 Men pretend to be strong as they just fear women would find their weakness.Women pretend to be happy as they just fear men would find their hurt.作者: 351169150 时间: 2011-9-7 23:47 回复 茶山 的帖子
真爱就是不抱怨 不埋怨 不后悔哈 愿茶山老师 真爱永远 作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-10 21:57 标题: 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在黑暗时候给你 Love is light and friendship is shadow.When the light breaks,you'd find you are surrounded by shadow.Friends,who will give you strength in the end.作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-10 21:59 标题: 生活坏到一定程度就会好起来,因为它无法更坏。所以我们心中应该总是充满阳光 Life will get better when it goes bad to a certain extent.Because it can't get worse than this.We should fill our heart with sunshine.作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-10 22:01 标题: 知道吗?那个人出现在你梦中,是因为那个人想见你。 Did you konw that:when people appear in your dreams,It's because that person wants see you. 作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-10 22:02 标题: 总有一天你会明白,人首先要爱自己 You will understand one day,you need to love yourself first.作者: 雨后的天空 时间: 2011-9-22 00:24
是日有所思,夜有所梦!潜意识的缘故!作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-22 22:29
哈哈,是的~作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-22 22:36 标题: 有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否它真的值得你拥有。 Sometimes you must let it go , to see if there was anything worth holding on to. 作者: 茶山 时间: 2011-9-22 22:38 标题: 幸福其实真的很简单:有人爱; 有事做;有所期待 Being happy is really easy-Loved by someone,having things to do and expectation。作者: 月满西楼 时间: 2011-9-23 15:39
富有哲理的一句话作者: 月满西楼 时间: 2011-9-23 15:43
这话得让好多中国女人弄明白作者: 莫斯居然 时间: 2011-9-23 15:55
说得没错作者: 莫斯居然 时间: 2011-9-23 15:58
呵呵,有道理作者: 君子兰 时间: 2011-9-24 23:59
觉得也是,自己一定得对得起自己。作者: 在水一方 时间: 2011-9-26 20:43
女人尤其应该爱自己,那就是自强,自爱的体现。作者: dsy0913 时间: 2011-9-26 20:46
言之有理!赞一个!作者: 风清云淡 时间: 2011-9-27 13:47 回复 茶山 的帖子